Woodland primulas

Woodland primulas
The ideal woodland conditions include, a cool moist root run, lack of competition from surface rooting trees and a deep rotted leaf or organic layer into which the primulas can extend their root systems. Dappled light is ideal but many will thrive where thay can receive shafts of light coming through the tree canopy. Soil conditions must never become dry.

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Product no.: 6

£3.50 *

Primula matthioli

Product no.: 157

£4.50 *

Primula japonica Postford White

Product no.: 3

£3.50 *
In stock

Primula polyneura

Product no.: 14

£3.50 *

Primula japonica Cleo

Product no.: 127

£3.50 *
In stock

Primula japonica Splendens

Product no.: 156

£3.50 *
In stock

Primula japonica Meadow Mix

Product no.: 9

£3.50 *
In stock

Primula kisoana

Product no.: 111

£3.50 *

Primula japonica Valley Red

Product no.: 128

£3.50 *
In stock

9 X plant Woodland collection

Product no.: 571

£24.99 *
In stock

Primula maximowiczii

Product no.: 57

£3.50 *
In stock

Primula grandis

Product no.: 0562

£4.50 *

Primula japonica Holly

Product no.: 125

£3.50 *
In stock

Primula japonica Early Riser

Product no.: 126

£3.50 *
In stock

Primula japonica Peninsula Pink

Product no.: 10

£3.50 *
In stock

Primula japonica Mink Blush

Product no.: 0334

£3.50 *
In stock

Primula heucherifolia

Product no.: 0563

£3.50 *
In stock

Primula capitata

Product no.: 141

£3.50 *
In stock

Primula flaccida

Product no.: 153

£3.50 *

Primula sieboldii Carefree

Product no.: 116

£3.50 *

Primula sieboldii Mikado

Product no.: 114

£3.50 *

Primula sieboldii Pago Pago

Product no.: 113

£3.50 *

Primula sieboldii Dancing Ladies

Product no.: 115

£3.50 *

3 X plants of Primula sieboldii Snowflake

Product no.: 112

£11.99 *

Primula sieboldii Blue Shades

Product no.: 117

£3.50 *

Primula sieboldii Manakoora

Product no.: 161

£3.50 *

Native primula collection

Product no.: 582

£9.00 *

Primula kisoana var alba

Product no.: 0416

£5.99 *

New 8 X plants of Primula japonica Meadow Mix

Product no.: 9[1]

£24.99 *
In stock

6 X plant Woodland Primula collection

Product no.: 571[1]

£16.99 *
In stock
Prices per plant or collection / bundle, plus postage