Primula marginata varieties

Primula marginata varieties
Primula marginata is a European species of exceptional garden merit. It is very floriferous carrying the flowers during March into April and these have a pleasant scent. It is a small alpine which can be used in the open garden. Some shelter from excessive rain will allow the very decorative farina to develop on the leaves.

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Primula marginata Kesselrings

Product no.: 90

£4.00 *
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Primula marginata Pritchards Var

Product no.: 34

£4.00 *
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Primula marginata Napoleon

Product no.: 590

£4.00 *

Primula marginata Grandiflora

Product no.: 221

£4.00 *
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Primula marginata Clears Variety

Product no.: 312

£4.00 *
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Primula marginata Sheila Denby

Product no.: 339

£4.00 *
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Primula marginata Compact Form

Product no.: 341

£4.00 *
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Primula marginata Highland Twilight

Product no.: 0448

£4.00 *
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Primula marginata Barbara Clough

Product no.: 584

£4.00 *
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Primula marginata Johannes Hoeller

Product no.: 0450

£4.00 *
Prices per plant or collection / bundle, plus postage