Fancy auriculas have considerable beauty; there is a wide range of colours and patterns - many are good outside in the garden. The fancy auricula has never achieved the popularity of the true Show varieties, nevertheless they are capable of producing more strikingly beautiful blooms than any of the other auriculas. The Fancies are interesting in that with some plants the green edging continues right up to the paste centre. With others, which are known as yellow-ground Fancies, the paste is surrounded with yellow and only the outer edges of the petals are green or grey. If you want to have very curious plants then try these fancy auriculas; they will surely delight you.
Striped show auriculas were almost lost to cultivation even though they were grown widely by traditional florists in the 19th century. Now they are becoming quite popular again. They are hardy, decorative plants which tend to be grown within a cold greenhouse so that their flowers can be enjoyed at close quarters.
All plants supplied are of flowering size and posted bare-root, without compost or pot.