This page presents a list of auriculas available today. IT IS AKIN TO THE SORT OF PLANT LIST FORMERLY SEEN IN PAPER CATALOGUES. It is current.
Only one of each variety is available. Here is what to do:
1. Take a note of the name or code of your selection.
2. Please choose 1 plant of each variety. (6 plants in total) as we have limited quantities.
3. Go to the bottom of the list and click the purchase button.
4. During the payment process enter the codes/names of the 6 plants you have chosen, in the Order and Delivery comments text box.
5. Multiple collections can be ordered at the same time, but only one of each variety please.
The click and pay button is at the end of the list. List valid from 24 August 2024 this will be updated periodically. New list being prepared.
Code Name Type Colour