Garden Primula Collection #1

Product no.: 614

Currently unavailable

Garden Primula Collection #1
Garden Primula Collection #1
Garden Primula Collection #1
Garden Primula Collection #1
Garden Primula Collection #1
Garden Primula Collection #1
Garden Primula Collection #1
Garden Primula Collection #1
Garden Primula Collection #1
Garden Primula Collection #1
Price per plant or collection / bundle, plus postage

This collection shows the diversity of garden primulas. The plants chosen are easily grown outdoors.

You will receive one plant of each of the varieites illustrated. Also each plant comes with a stick-in label.

The illustration shows the following named plants, see table below for cultural hints and tips.


Top left

Primula wilsonii var anisodora

Candelabra - June

June, deep crimson, 40cm

Shade, moist

Top mid

Primula capitata

Capitatae - June

Dark violet, summer / autumn, 30cm

Woodland, moist

Top right

Primula florindae (copper)

Sikkimensis - July

Copper orange fls to 100cm

Tolerates wet soil

Mid left

Primula poissonii

Candelabra - June

Plum purple, evergreen, 60cm

Humus soil, partial shade


Primula secundiflora

Sikkimensis - May

Brilliant dark crimson, nodding, 50cm.


Rich soil, aerated moisture

Mid right

Primula japonica 'Postford White'

Candelabra - May

Flowers pure white to 50cm

Very damp soil, cool

Lower left

Primula alpicola var Luna

Sikkimensis - June

May, scented, pale y, 55cm

Dappled shade, moist

Lower mid

Primula heucherifolia

Cortusoides - May

Lilac mauve to deep rich purple to 40cm

Shady humid places, cool

Lower right

Primula watsonii

Muscarioides - May

Blackish purple fls, 30cm

Aerated soil shelter

Plants are supplied expots with a rootball ready for planting into their final positions. All plants are of flowering size so will flower the next season from planting.


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