4 X plants of Primula vialii orchid primrose beds pots damp woodland UK grown

Product no.: 0197[7]

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4 X plants of Primula vialii orchid primrose beds pots damp woodland UK grown
Price per plant or collection / bundle, plus postage

4 X plants of Primula vialii
A primrose of a most exotic appearance - The orchid primrose is a most worthy garden plant which has been grown for over 100 years. A later flowering Primula adorning the June garden but often extending its flowering period into July. Strong spikes of scarlet red and blue violet flowers stand up to 60 cm (18”). When established it will produce multi-stemmed clumps carrying masses of flowers. Best grown in groups of 5 or more plants in fertile moist soils which allow excess water to drain away. Primula vialii is a robust plant and likes moist but not saturated conditions. The best conditions are in good light especially during the morning so an east facing aspect is ideal. Best to avoid hot south facing aspects where the plants will be baked dry during the summer. When grown in groups it will produce lots of seeds and these will self sow in cool damp conditions.
Supplied ex. pots with a rootball.

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