4 X plants of Primula secundiflora bog garden pond edge damp woodland UK grown

Product no.: 0197[4]

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4 X plants of Primula secundiflora bog garden pond edge damp woodland UK grown
Price per plant or collection / bundle, plus postage

4 X plants of Primula secundiflora
This species is robustly hardy standing many degrees of frost. It grows very well in a moist fertile soil which is never allowed to dry out. It is best suited to a moisture retentive soil but one which allows the excess water to drain away; it therefore likes a good supply of oxygen in the soil. It is an easy plant to grow being long-lived and adaptable especially if planted in a partial sunny spot. The flowering season is May and its flowering height is 50 cm (20 inches). It often self seeds with enthusiasm giving you some very pleasant surprises for free! Coming from north-west Yunnan and south-west Sichuan it is the next door neighbour of Primula poissonii!
Plants supplied ex. pots with a rootball and are of flowering size. Will flower next spring/early summer.

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