We grow and offer for sale authentic, quality primulas and auriculas. Our extensive range consists of over 1000 different species and cultivars.
We are serious about our Primulas!
Mail order is our business!
As a mail order specialist nursery, we can deliver our plants anywhere within the United Kingdom and Ireland quickly. Plants posted on Mondays usually arrive at their destination anywhere within the UK the next day. It takes an extra day or two for the Republic of Ireland. (posted Monday should arrive by Wednesday)
We also attend a number of shows during spring and early summer.
In 2014 we were awarded a gold medal for our display at Bloom, Phoenix Park, Dublin. Our exhibit was a pyramidal structure which provided for a strong visual impact in a traditionally tiered floral display. We featured Asiatic primulas in our display.
Philip Bankhead (Proprietor of Peninsula Primulas) with gold award; the photographs were taken by Orla Fitzmaurice.
At Bloom 2015 (Phoenix Park, Dublin) we achieved another gold award which we are naturally delighted about.
The display featured many candelabra primulas from south west China and Japan.
Also in 2015 Peninsula Primulas achieved a gold award at the prestigious Garden Show Ireland held at Antrim Castle Gardens in early May.
We decided to create a Primula theatre; not something that is done very often at shows and we were very pleased with the outcome.